Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2024Art Festival

Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2024 was an artistic manifestation of the unity of all Ukrainians FROM THE SYAN to THE DON, which is the slogan of this year's festival

The Bouquet Kyiv Stage Art festival is the largest project of Dom Master Klass , launched in Kyiv in 2018. The festival is international, multidisciplinary, non-commercial and socially oriented.
With the beginning of the large-scale invasion of the rashi occupier on the territory of our country, Dom Master Klass is actively engaged in the presentation of Ukrainian high art in the world.The festival was successfully held in 2022 in Oxford, Great Britain; 2023 - Tbilisi, Georgia; 2024 - London, Great Britain.We are incredibly happy that despite the martial law, every year we are able to held the festival in Kyiv.
The seventh Art festival Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2024 took place on August 15-18 in Sofia Kyivska.
FROM SIAN to DON was the slogan of this year's festival.
The Bouquet symbol, presented to the Bouquet Kyiv Stage festival by the outstanding contemporary artist Oleksandr Dubovik, embodies the concept of unity and unification.
The Bouquet Kyiv Stage festival 2024 revolved around the theme of unification, with a focus on connecting Ukrainian cities such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Ukrainian Crimea. This theme will be central to all festival events.
The Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2024 programme was a composition of art projects from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Crimean artists.
More than 40 artistic events were scheduled over the four-day festival, including:● 4 exhibition projects● 12 concerts of classical, jazz, electronic music● 20 screenings of Ukrainian films● 5 conversations under Ash Tree a theatrical performance● 3 programmes for children and youth● 2 excursions to Sophia of Kyiv Highlighted events include:●  the art exhibition "Art is the Highest Form of Hope", featuring over 60 works by 30 artists from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Dnipro, and Crimea
● music by Ukrainian composers performed by the Mariupol Renaissance Chamber Orchestra
● the premiere works of Victoria Poleva performed by the National Chamber Ensemble Kyiv Soloists under the baton of conductor Volodymyr Sirenko
●  the premiere of the musical performance "Yaroslav and Ingigerd: Life Story - Love Story", created based on the life story of the princely couple - Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv and Swedish Princess Ingigerd. Music by Maksym Kolomiets
● KinoBouquet: premiere screenings of Ukrainian cinema
Notable foreign participants at the festival were the star Austrian harpsichordist Jörg Zwicker, who performed with the Kyiv Camerata National Ensemble of Soloists and the Israeli jazz band Yogev Shetrit Trio.
Foreign musicians participating in this year's festival had shown their determination and courage by coming to Ukraine during the war to express their support for our country.


“Music, written by the heartValentyn Sylvestrov”

Evgeny Stankovych "Liturgy"Chamber Choir "Kyiv"

Concert “Psalms of David”Music of Victoriya Poleva





067 546 79 52

