"Intelligent and Sensual"Series of lecture-concerts

This project began at Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2023 festival, continued throughout the year. The last event was presented at Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2024

Dom Master Klass started a new musical season!
"Intelligent and Sensual" was a series of lecture-concerts curated by Oleksiy Shmurak - an outstanding pianist, composer and tireless music researcher.
This project began at Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2023 festival with the concert "Unknown Ukrainian Modernism", continued throughout the year. The last event was presented at Bouquet Kyiv Stage 2024.
There are stereotypes about Ukrainian music, certain clichés. If we examine the reasons, the genealogy of these standards and manners will become clear; it is even more interesting to find something new, unusual, that goes beyond the limits. It can be unknown modernist music; and young talented musicians who have been crystallizing in the difficult conditions of the 2020s.
In the "Intelligent and Sensual" series, curator and lecturer Oleksiy Shmurak offered a series of concerts with explanatory lectures: we listened to● ambient noise● experimental electronics, little-known to the general public, but unique Ukrainian poets of the past● non-mainstream masterpieces of Ukrainian classical music● searching for modern young musicians.
The main thing that united the series was a combination of intelligence and sensuality, search and honesty, responsibility and respect of oneself and the listener.
Five cycles of the project:
October, 6th 2023 Concert-lecture "Melodiс noise". Lecturer - Oleksiy Shmurak, electronics - Oleksiy Podat
January, 18th 2023 Concert "Quartet discoveries". performed by string quartet NotaBene"Quartet discoveries". Oleksiy Shmurak's lecture
March, 28th 2024 Theory of everything: lecture by Oleksiy Shmurak / concert by Timysh Melnyk
Photo albums:Concert-lecture "Melodious noise". Oleksiy Shmurak / Oleksiy Podat'Quartet discoveries. Lecture by O. Shmurak / string quartet concert by NotaBeneTheory of everything: lecture by Oleksiy Shmurak / concert by Timysh Melnyk





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